CEREC One Appointment Crowns
CEREC is a dental restoration product that allows a dental practitioner to produce an indirect ceramic dental restoration using a variety of computer assisted technologies, including 3D photography and CAD/CAM. With CEREC, teeth can be restored in a single sitting with the patient, rather than the multiple sittings required with earlier techniques. Additionally, with the latest software and hardware updates, crowns, veneers, onlays and inlays can be prepared, using different types of ceramic material.
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The cavity preparation is first photographed and stored as a three dimensional digital model and proprietary software is then used to approximate the restoration shape using biogeneric comparisons to surrounding teeth. The practitioner then refines that model using 3D CAD software. When the model is complete a milling machine carves the actual restoration out of a ceramic block using diamond head cutters under computer control. When complete, the restoration is bonded to the tooth using a resin. CEREC is an acronym for Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics.
At Espinal & Willis – Carolinas Center for Advanced Dentistry in Rock Hill, we strive to offer our patients the most advanced technology available in the dental industry. That is why we offer our patients Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics. This procedure is also referred to as Ceramic Reconstruction or CEREC. This is a product that is used for restoration. CEREC allows our Rock Hill dentists to create a dental restoration for you that is made of ceramic. A variety of innovative technologies allows your restoration to be created on site at our Rock Hill dental facility.
Your CEREC Restoration is Created at Our Rock Hill Facility
With the assistance of a computer, our Rock Hill dentists can restore your tooth in just one visit, instead of multiple sittings. They can create veneers, crowns, inlays and onlays using different kinds of ceramic materials. That means that, thanks to CEREC technology, your restoration is created on site at our Rock Hill facility. Most CEREC dental restorations do not require an off-site laboratory. This eliminates the need to wait days or weeks for your tooth’s restoration product.
What to Expect During Your CEREC Procedure at Our Rock Hill Facility
Computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing, also referred to as CAD/CAM is a digital impressioning technique that has changed the way our dentists take impressions. Our Rock Hill dental team will prepare the tooth that the dentist is performing the CEREC procedure on. They will create an inlay, crown, veneer or onlay to restore your tooth.
1. Taking Your CEREC Impression
Once our Rock Hill dental team completes preparing the tooth, we will spray it with a blue powder. This blue powder creates the layer of contrast medium necessary to take the images our Rock Hill dentists need to complete your CEREC procedure. This anti-reflective contrast medium allows the camera to create a 3D image that is uploaded into the CEREC computer that is located at our Rock Hill facility.
The CEREC software at our Rock Hill facility allows your dentist to design a tooth that will restore your natural tooth’s function and form. Once the designing phase or your tooth is complete, that information is sent to our milling machine.
2. Creating Your CEREC Restoration
Your CEREC restoration is then created on site from a composite block or solid ceramic. The time it takes for your CEREC restoration to be created will depend on the how complex your CEREC restoration is. Time generally ranges from just four minutes to 20 minutes.
3. Cementing Your CEREC Restoration
Once your CEREC restoration model is complete, our dentists bond your custom-made CEREC restoration to your tooth. Our Rock Hill dentists use a resin cement that bonds to your tooth and to the CEREC restoration. This ensures a secure fit.
If you are interested in learning more about CEREC restoration or any other dental procedure we offer At Espinal & Willis – Carolinas Center for Advanced Dentistry in Rock Hill, contact us today by calling 803.327.4166 for a free consultation!